7's level 5

7's level 5

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

The War of Eustrath

I have played this game for many months. I forgot how many of it totally.. But it really is great to play and I have reached the 27th stage so far. For the stage, I still have problems with that three bosses... man, it looks I need some strategies to kill the bosses.

Oh yeah, I forget to mention that eustrath is one of my games on my iPad. When I have time to kill, I always play the game. I'm not sure about this but this game is kinda made in Japan or somewhere. Yeah, who cares about where.? Anyways, the game is a RPG and tactics game. The gameplay is really long since it's RPG and tactics, not only that there're also many bosses that hard to kill.

I even died so many times that I couldn't remember how many I had died in the game. Sometimes I was so angry everytime I die but now I will take it easy... And still having my journey to end the game..... T_T Just when will I end the game already.? Anyway,, It makes me don't want to end the game quickly because the story is good to hear and read. lol

As you can see, the design is really simple... But the drawing is quite good for your eyes, I bet you will like the heroin. lol xD

The dialog is quite a bit strange and there're many mispllings, but although the dialogue is strange, the game is great to play.! Just give it a try, my man.

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