Let me to tell how many doraemon's movies have been made in these years.? Are you still watching it anyway.? Or still reading it.? xD
Here's the list of them, make sure that you've got them all. :)
Well, another besides 2003, I don't know if there's one but perhaps there's. Anyway just keep search and you will find one or perhaps the newest one. I've read my subcription magazine and find that there's the 30th movie, the title of the movie is Doraemon : Nobita no Ningyo Daikaisen. Collect and enjoy. :)
Life isn't something you can think of. It's something we can feel of. If you can feel it, that's the life.
7's level 5

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Drawing style
According to manga that I've been reading until now. There're many styles that I couldn't mention one per one. Of course they are different each other.
Just compare onepiece and naruto. Which do you like.? I bet you don't know which, but you will take naruto because of story or drawing style.? Dunno know why you like but no need to explain it in this post, please. :)
Drawing style is like.. hmm well, it's hard to explain, but I think it will be easier if I use some picture samples to explain it.
Let's remember again about types of mangas in order to understand the concept of drawing style. From kodomo to doujinshi, and actually for some information I've found in these time. I found that there's one type, but how sad I forgot the name.! But I can search the sample for the type which I've found to show.
I have explained types of mangas before. But at this title, I will just show some samples in other to make you more understand.
- Kodomo,
But, don't be so confused. In other way to make you more understand, just take a look at its language. If the language is very easy to read and there isn't any difficult vocabulary, so you can take it as kodomo since the language is very easy (of course children would even understand it :))
Just compare onepiece and naruto. Which do you like.? I bet you don't know which, but you will take naruto because of story or drawing style.? Dunno know why you like but no need to explain it in this post, please. :)
Drawing style is like.. hmm well, it's hard to explain, but I think it will be easier if I use some picture samples to explain it.
Let's remember again about types of mangas in order to understand the concept of drawing style. From kodomo to doujinshi, and actually for some information I've found in these time. I found that there's one type, but how sad I forgot the name.! But I can search the sample for the type which I've found to show.
I have explained types of mangas before. But at this title, I will just show some samples in other to make you more understand.
- Kodomo,
This is a page of doraemon
I won't translate this :P
but you can see that the drawing style is simple so it might can be classified as kodomo
and this
This is a page of astro boy
Again, this might be classified as kodomo
But, don't be so confused. In other way to make you more understand, just take a look at its language. If the language is very easy to read and there isn't any difficult vocabulary, so you can take it as kodomo since the language is very easy (of course children would even understand it :))
- Shounen,
At this level shounen that are meant to male teenager readers. So the drawing style is up to their tastes or desires. Well, I dunno know about this either although I love shounen. Why.? it's because the drawing is good. And so is the story, but most of all it's focused on the drawing that would attract many people to read it.
And so on. There are many styles of them like this.
Of course it includes language too. Note that language is a bit easy to read. But if children can read the language as much, so it perhaps even a bit harder to tell diference between kodomo and shounen. ~.~
So, just use the drawing style as the concept of the type. Usually the hero is male, but there is also the heroin. I can only tell you to use your experience to tell the difference.
- Shoujo,
Same as shounen, but it's for female teenager readers and the drawing style is different from shounen as you can see some samples below.
Especially this manga, shugo chara, I really love it.! lol
I guess that's enough already, and I guess you can tell the difference between shounen and shoujo. And I like both, of course. I've not uploaded skip beat but anyway, that's enough already.!
- Seinen,
For this level, it's quite a bit difficult for me to search some samples to show. Because it doesn't matter if the drawing is so complex or simple, and what's matter is the story. And the story is too deep that children couldn't understand. I should have told this on the post before right.? Now I will show some samples to let you know what's the drawing style like.
and, other than it, below are tezuka's works. It can be classified as seinen although the drawing is simple
Ah, I almost forget. Please note that the language in seinen or josei is usually using some difficult vocabulary. If not believe, try to read franken fran and take your opinion that it's seinen or shounen.? Easy to tell, isn't it.? So that's why children couldn't understand the story fully although they are just taking a like to its drawing.
Nah, next.!
Nah, next.!
- Josei,
Same as seinen, but it's for adult female readers. Here's some samples.
Stop.! I've uploaded more than enough. At least you can understand now right.?
Nah, now I want to show doujinshi and one more the type that I don't know the name yet.
as you can see, the doujin-ka* usually make comic with character that they like the most and make the rest with their imagination. Such as cardcaptor sakura, inuyasha, etc. But there's also an original, it's really difficult for me to find one so I will just let this be to not make you confused.
*Doujin-ka is used to call the man who draws the manga themselves and not published it legally yet. They are just sell it at the comiket (Comic Market) themselves. They usually make the manga approximately 1.000 copy since there's law of copyright so they wouldn't get arrested or something. lol
And, finally. I can tell the information now. I ask you, what's the type of the very very first manga.? I mean, when manga was published for first time in public, what's the type.? Have no idea.? Then I will show.
Sadly, I don't know the name of type yet. But at least I can show the sample.
This is the very first type of manga that was published. And they are still exist in these days such as K-ON!!, morita wa mukuchi, nichijou, azumanga daioh, etc. Usually used for comedy, of course I still like it.
So in other words, from this mysterious type to doujinshi, mangas sure have developed fast, haven't them.? :D
If you ever want to draw on your own, do so. Don't be so shy over your drawing, just keep practice and you will get better and better through time. After all, it's your style and be glad of your style. Actually I'm also practicing drawing and my drawing isn't that good if I compare with the manga which I like or inspires me at most.
Perhaps you also have ever felt it as I tell my problems to you. That your drawing isn't that good...
Perhaps you also have ever felt it as I tell my problems to you. That your drawing isn't that good...
But, please note that it's YOUR style. Not theirs. So I will ask you....
"What is your style.? Are you satisfied by your drawing style yet.?"
If not...
Keep practice.
"There is always that need to be developed."
-Leonardo Da Vinci
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
The War of Eustrath
I have played this game for many months. I forgot how many of it totally.. But it really is great to play and I have reached the 27th stage so far. For the stage, I still have problems with that three bosses... man, it looks I need some strategies to kill the bosses.
Oh yeah, I forget to mention that eustrath is one of my games on my iPad. When I have time to kill, I always play the game. I'm not sure about this but this game is kinda made in Japan or somewhere. Yeah, who cares about where.? Anyways, the game is a RPG and tactics game. The gameplay is really long since it's RPG and tactics, not only that there're also many bosses that hard to kill.
I even died so many times that I couldn't remember how many I had died in the game. Sometimes I was so angry everytime I die but now I will take it easy... And still having my journey to end the game..... T_T Just when will I end the game already.? Anyway,, It makes me don't want to end the game quickly because the story is good to hear and read. lol
As you can see, the design is really simple... But the drawing is quite good for your eyes, I bet you will like the heroin. lol xD
The dialog is quite a bit strange and there're many mispllings, but although the dialogue is strange, the game is great to play.! Just give it a try, my man.
Oh yeah, I forget to mention that eustrath is one of my games on my iPad. When I have time to kill, I always play the game. I'm not sure about this but this game is kinda made in Japan or somewhere. Yeah, who cares about where.? Anyways, the game is a RPG and tactics game. The gameplay is really long since it's RPG and tactics, not only that there're also many bosses that hard to kill.
I even died so many times that I couldn't remember how many I had died in the game. Sometimes I was so angry everytime I die but now I will take it easy... And still having my journey to end the game..... T_T Just when will I end the game already.? Anyway,, It makes me don't want to end the game quickly because the story is good to hear and read. lol
As you can see, the design is really simple... But the drawing is quite good for your eyes, I bet you will like the heroin. lol xD
The dialog is quite a bit strange and there're many mispllings, but although the dialogue is strange, the game is great to play.! Just give it a try, my man.
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
Types of manga
Nah, like I've told the types before. What is it.? Kodomo, right.? Yeah. Be calm, I will tell. I guess you have already known it but I will tell and explain again. Just in case if you don't know or have forgotten.
As you know, there are five types of manga like below with explanation :
- Kodomo, the type of this is made for children. And as I know, the drawing usually simple and for example you can see doraemon, astro boy, and etc.
- Shounen, for this type, I bet you have heard this many times. Surely, it is the type of manga which is made for male teenager that roughly from 10 to 18 years old. It doesn't matter if the drawing is simple or complex, just what's different is the genre. Of all genres, the most genre that are used as topic of shounen is heroic, adventure, romance comedy or something like that. For example, onepiece, bleach, naruto, etc.
- Shoujo, same here but a bit different, is made for female teenager roughly from 10 to 18 years old. The drawing is a bit different if you compare with shounen, the drawing is sometimes too detail as you can see. The artist even draws pupil on the eyes if they want. The genre which is always being used as topic is romance, it's very obvious if you read. For example, Kimi ni Todoke, shugo chara, kamikaze kaito jeanne, skip beat, etc.
- Seinen, this manga is made for male adults which the age is more than 18 years old or so. But it doesn't mean that this is a hentai or anything.! it's just because the story is really so deep that children couldn't understand the story fully. As far as I know, the drawing is always complex but not all mangas like that, you know. For example, 3x3 eyes, buddha, magister negi magi, love hina, booking life, vagabond, etc.
- Josei, you could say that this manga same with seinen but a little diffferent. Of course this manga is made for female adults. For example, hmm well you know, gokusen, etc.
So, you see, like above. But there is one more, and it's doujinshi. The manga is self-published, you know, the artist doesn't have any contract with any company and they make it themselves then sell it in the comiket. Well, usually the one who makes the manga is fans and of course they are amateurs.
What is comiket.? Here I give you the information that I got from google to let you know.
"Comiket is the world's largest comic convention. It is held twice a year (summer and winter) in Tokyo, Japan. The first CM was held in December 1975, with only about 32 participating circles and an estimated 600 attendees. About 80% of these were female, but male participation in Comiket increased later.Attendance has since swelled to over half a million people. Many attendants come to exchange and/or sell their dōjinshi.
In 2009, Meiji University opened a dōjin manga library, named “Yoshihiro Yonezawa Memorial Library” to honour its alumni in its Surugadai campus. It contains Yonezawa's own dōjinshi collection, comprising 4137 boxes, and the collection of Tsuguo Iwata, another famous person in the sphere of dōjinshi."
And, what makes me surprise is that many profesional artist are always recruited from Comiket. So if you want to be profesional artist, make sure that you are practiced enough and show your skill off in the comiket. lol.
As you know, there are five types of manga like below with explanation :
- Kodomo, the type of this is made for children. And as I know, the drawing usually simple and for example you can see doraemon, astro boy, and etc.
- Shounen, for this type, I bet you have heard this many times. Surely, it is the type of manga which is made for male teenager that roughly from 10 to 18 years old. It doesn't matter if the drawing is simple or complex, just what's different is the genre. Of all genres, the most genre that are used as topic of shounen is heroic, adventure, romance comedy or something like that. For example, onepiece, bleach, naruto, etc.
- Shoujo, same here but a bit different, is made for female teenager roughly from 10 to 18 years old. The drawing is a bit different if you compare with shounen, the drawing is sometimes too detail as you can see. The artist even draws pupil on the eyes if they want. The genre which is always being used as topic is romance, it's very obvious if you read. For example, Kimi ni Todoke, shugo chara, kamikaze kaito jeanne, skip beat, etc.
- Seinen, this manga is made for male adults which the age is more than 18 years old or so. But it doesn't mean that this is a hentai or anything.! it's just because the story is really so deep that children couldn't understand the story fully. As far as I know, the drawing is always complex but not all mangas like that, you know. For example, 3x3 eyes, buddha, magister negi magi, love hina, booking life, vagabond, etc.
- Josei, you could say that this manga same with seinen but a little diffferent. Of course this manga is made for female adults. For example, hmm well you know, gokusen, etc.
So, you see, like above. But there is one more, and it's doujinshi. The manga is self-published, you know, the artist doesn't have any contract with any company and they make it themselves then sell it in the comiket. Well, usually the one who makes the manga is fans and of course they are amateurs.
What is comiket.? Here I give you the information that I got from google to let you know.
"Comiket is the world's largest comic convention. It is held twice a year (summer and winter) in Tokyo, Japan. The first CM was held in December 1975, with only about 32 participating circles and an estimated 600 attendees. About 80% of these were female, but male participation in Comiket increased later.Attendance has since swelled to over half a million people. Many attendants come to exchange and/or sell their dōjinshi.
In 2009, Meiji University opened a dōjin manga library, named “Yoshihiro Yonezawa Memorial Library” to honour its alumni in its Surugadai campus. It contains Yonezawa's own dōjinshi collection, comprising 4137 boxes, and the collection of Tsuguo Iwata, another famous person in the sphere of dōjinshi."
And, what makes me surprise is that many profesional artist are always recruited from Comiket. So if you want to be profesional artist, make sure that you are practiced enough and show your skill off in the comiket. lol.
Minggu, 10 Juli 2011
Old manga
Let's have a flashback, shall we.?
Long ago, we have known many old mangas right before 21th century. You know it too, don't you.? Such as doraemon, astro boy, etc. The world all have known it even before I was born. And I guess that doraemon was my very first manga to read when I was so small, I think I was around five or six years old maybe.? And here I am, living as 16 years old boy with no girlfriend to worry about.
Surely you know who made doraemon.? Yep, it's Fujiko F. Fujio. Maybe it's a bit embarassed but I will post some sample of doraemon in other to remember all our memories in reading doraemon until now. Now, I even still read it although it had ended with such great ending which I never thought before. I was touched by its ending, and will never forget it..
It has told me to not regret all, and now here I am. I really love doraemon, I really want to meet Fujiko and thank him. But it's better to late than not. Fujiko has died... And let us give him thanks that can't be described by words. Fujiko, Rest In Peace. :')
Long ago, we have known many old mangas right before 21th century. You know it too, don't you.? Such as doraemon, astro boy, etc. The world all have known it even before I was born. And I guess that doraemon was my very first manga to read when I was so small, I think I was around five or six years old maybe.? And here I am, living as 16 years old boy with no girlfriend to worry about.
Surely you know who made doraemon.? Yep, it's Fujiko F. Fujio. Maybe it's a bit embarassed but I will post some sample of doraemon in other to remember all our memories in reading doraemon until now. Now, I even still read it although it had ended with such great ending which I never thought before. I was touched by its ending, and will never forget it..
I don't know sure if this is the first cover of doraemon, but whatever is ok
Yes, I'm sure this is it.! The very first cover of doraemon
The story centers on the boy named nobita meets the robot named doraemon which is come from the future and from that point on, the life of nobita as extraordinary life begins. It always tells about nobita's life or you could say it as nobita's daily life.
But it isn't just like that, there is also some various types such as adventure which tells about nobita and his friends are having their great adventure that will make them never forget their life. And I have read these types, and also watched many movies.
Doraemon's adventures are like below as you can see. It is still continuing, I don't know if it ends or not. Just keep collect it all to make sure, I have collected of them so many and they all are great.!
It has told me to not regret all, and now here I am. I really love doraemon, I really want to meet Fujiko and thank him. But it's better to late than not. Fujiko has died... And let us give him thanks that can't be described by words. Fujiko, Rest In Peace. :')
But it doesn't mean that we can't see his works again. He has many students and right now they are making many new stories that still have topic doraemon. Like dorabase and doraemon adventure.? Have you ever heard it.? Haha. The sample like this.
and this
So, doraemon never dies because there are many fans over the world that still love doraemon. Not only that, there are many Fujiko's students that will continue his creation. And at this chance, let me say something.
"As long as the creation that has many people love it. It will stay forever in their heart."
It's ridiculious, but I think it's true. After all, it still stay in my heart.
Then, you know Astro boy.? Who don't know the manga.? Yeah perhaps there aren't many people know that. The artist was legendary because he had revived and given spirit to Japan after war world II (from magazine, I suppose). The name of artist is Tezuka Ozamu.
I don't read his manga that much, but I am reading it, though. All mangas are so great just like doraemon.! They do.! Though, maybe his drawing isn't that great (it's kodomo*, obvious). But his story is something, it can't be explained by my words though.
So for some reason, it has reached at seinen** level.
There are the list of his creations that I have searched before :
- Astro Boy <- I haven't read this, but I will read later
- Black Jack <- It has anime too, try to watch it. It's great
- Buddha <- It ends at 66 chapters. I'm still reading it, though
From here on, I haven't read these. But I will tell ya just to kill my time. Haha
- Astro cat
- Castle of dawn
- Fushigi na Melmo
- Golden Scale
- Kirihito Sanka
- Metropolis
- Midnight
- Tezuka Osamu The best (I don't know why the title like this)
- The crater
- The devil invites himself to the ball
- Vampires
- Yuusha Dan
*kodomo is one of the types of manga which is made for children, usually the drawing is simple such as doraemon and black jack.
**About this, I will tell types of manga later after this post. Just wait. :)
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