Ahaha, I too focused on an interesting game and almost forgot about this blog. The game which I told is called Role Playing, I bet you've known this if you're an internet writer (not employed, lol). But I will explain for those who don't know this game yet. This is different from what you're always playing with game console, this game requires your writing. In other words, you have to be able to write story in this game.
Of course, the place where the game takes is forum. Forum is where everyone gathers in a certain place and have a discussion there. But this is quite creative, because the function of forum can also be used as game. It's not about discussion anymore, but about story. All that you will find on the forum is story. This game, of course, has Game Master. Game Master is for one that created the game, specially the idea of story. And what's interesting from this game is that you can make your character as free as your imagination allows.
But though, you need to follow rules so the game won't ruin in a second. Usually Role Playing always has connection with anime or manga. Thus, it's getting interesting since all otakus are gathering and discussing about Magic, Esper, Fighting, Romance, Drama, Slice of Life, etc. I think not all otakus gather, because the game is only for writers.
I'm an artist, but though, I'm playing the game lol. Not only that, thanks to the game, my writing gets better.... Or not.? :P
Anime & Manga
Life isn't something you can think of. It's something we can feel of. If you can feel it, that's the life.
7's level 5

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Kamis, 09 Februari 2012
Finally, I bought my favorite magazine named Animonster. But though, the name of it is changed from this month. The new name is Animonstar. It tells about japan culture, anime, and manga. It's a good magazine for those who love Japan, especially for those who live in Indonesia. Because you can only find this magazine in the country.
The price is 37.500 Rupiah. That's if you're at Jawa, but outside of Jawa, the price will increase a little.... It's 39.500 Rupiah. Have no idea why the price increases a little when you're outside of Jawa. But perhaps because of the fee of transportation. Since the location of building where all staffs work at is at bandung. At least that was what I heard of them. Right now, I'm following them on facebook. Not only that, I'm subcribing the magazine. ^___^
Animonstar, Go.! Ganbatte~
The price is 37.500 Rupiah. That's if you're at Jawa, but outside of Jawa, the price will increase a little.... It's 39.500 Rupiah. Have no idea why the price increases a little when you're outside of Jawa. But perhaps because of the fee of transportation. Since the location of building where all staffs work at is at bandung. At least that was what I heard of them. Right now, I'm following them on facebook. Not only that, I'm subcribing the magazine. ^___^
Animonstar, Go.! Ganbatte~
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012
Fuan No Tane
As I have told the manga in my previous blog, wordpress. Not only a great story, it also has a deep meaning although the story is really short. For each chapters, the minimum is only 3 pages and the maximum is only 10 pages. I think the author and artist, Nakayama Maasaki, really knows how to make a scary story with his amazing imagination. Since I've read it twice, and now perhaps I still want to read it again and again..... lol
There are three stories that always makes me wondering. I will tell one by one.
1. A completely unknown girl that was walking across the road when two men took her photo by a camera that was just bought by one of those two men who was at their home. The photo was taken through a window of the home. A girl stopped in the middle of road while crossing, and turned her head to the camera then smiled before got hit by a car. The thing of this story that I couldn't understand completely is her smile......
2. French Language, This is the most confusing of the manga. Since it only tells story about maps, roads, and some things about a foreign word. That happened when a man was strolling and found a dead end in his way. Then on the wall of the dead end, there was a message which was attached. It says 'French Language'. To be honest, I didn't understand it completely. Even a letter of it.....
3. Stalker, Since a man was really pissed off by an unknown stalker. The stalker always put a thing inside a bag and put it on the handle of the door where a man stayed at. One day, when he told his friend that he thought it was better for the stalker to die. After that, they arrived at a man's apartment. Now the thing is a box which was stabbed by a device..... I didn't understand that................
There are three stories that always makes me wondering. I will tell one by one.
1. A completely unknown girl that was walking across the road when two men took her photo by a camera that was just bought by one of those two men who was at their home. The photo was taken through a window of the home. A girl stopped in the middle of road while crossing, and turned her head to the camera then smiled before got hit by a car. The thing of this story that I couldn't understand completely is her smile......
2. French Language, This is the most confusing of the manga. Since it only tells story about maps, roads, and some things about a foreign word. That happened when a man was strolling and found a dead end in his way. Then on the wall of the dead end, there was a message which was attached. It says 'French Language'. To be honest, I didn't understand it completely. Even a letter of it.....
3. Stalker, Since a man was really pissed off by an unknown stalker. The stalker always put a thing inside a bag and put it on the handle of the door where a man stayed at. One day, when he told his friend that he thought it was better for the stalker to die. After that, they arrived at a man's apartment. Now the thing is a box which was stabbed by a device..... I didn't understand that................
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012
Happy new year
Sorry, if I was a little late to say happy new year to you all. I was busy to prepare everything to celebrate a new year.... Together with my cousin. Oh yeah,,, I was browsing to kill my time before my beautiful holiday is finished.... And found this site, this site is really good with its design which gives a pleasure to the eyes.
Not only that, it also has many informations about the character in frame which I've shown to you before. Right you knew what frame is.? Then the character is in that site, before I found the site, I didn't really know who the character is until I saw the site and read it.
Enjoy, and have your way to review it. :)
Not only that, it also has many informations about the character in frame which I've shown to you before. Right you knew what frame is.? Then the character is in that site, before I found the site, I didn't really know who the character is until I saw the site and read it.
Enjoy, and have your way to review it. :)
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
My favorite female characters
Let me tell my list of favorite female character. Don't worry, the source of the anime will be told so you could search it right away. But, I think you don't have to because the anime might have been watched by you. Well, Sorry if my taste isn't that good. Whatever, I'm posting.
1, Hinagiku Katsura (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Well, the reason why this tomboy character is my favorite because she is totally my type.! Of course, it's only in the anime. Though, there are many cute and moe characters than this one. But, her personality is really the best of all. So there's no problem with her attitude and personality. Even if she is tomboy, she does have a bit feminine personality (if you watch the anime carefully).
2, Misaka Worst (To aru majutsu no index)
This character only appeared in the novel, not made to appear in the anime yet. But I'm totally waiting for her, although her personality is a bit too harsh. I think a feminine personality will suit her for the best, but I also think that she is fine by her way now. Anyway, I do love a stubborn girl because, without being stubborn, there won't be any interesting event with a girl right.? lol
3, Victorique De Blois (Gosick)
She is really a genius one, even perhaps more genius than Ichinose Hitomi (Clannad after story). At first time, I though that she hasn't any feeling because of her lack in sociality. But anyway, thanks to that boy, Kazuya Kuzo, she was able to understand what love is. Other than it, she is really cute everytime she is annoyed or pissed off. Well~ ^___^
4, Shiori (The world God only knows)
Although she is really quiet, but I love her personality. ^___^ Why.? Well, because of my feeling.? lol. Well, being silent is a part of my personality too. So I do understand each words that is said by Shiori. Or perhaps.? haha.
5, Mio (K-on!!)
Well, actually I love all characters in K-on!!. But this girl's personality is the best of them, why.? well, she is cute, diligent, coward, shy, mature, and feminine. That's it. Hahaha~.
6, Namie Yagari (Durarara!!)
This adult woman too, is a tomboy. But she is quite mature really, and has that evil looking like she doesn't care what happens to everyone around her. So I like her for being a tomboy and mature woman, and her indifference. Sometimes she is too cold to talk with, so I think it will be hard to catch her heart. lol Just kidding.
I think the list should be enough. Though I still have many favorite characters, and because there're too many to post so I decided to give it a limit. Six girls have been choosen to be posted in this blog. As myself and for myself, I should say congratulation for them.... Hahaha~
1, Hinagiku Katsura (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Well, the reason why this tomboy character is my favorite because she is totally my type.! Of course, it's only in the anime. Though, there are many cute and moe characters than this one. But, her personality is really the best of all. So there's no problem with her attitude and personality. Even if she is tomboy, she does have a bit feminine personality (if you watch the anime carefully).
2, Misaka Worst (To aru majutsu no index)
This character only appeared in the novel, not made to appear in the anime yet. But I'm totally waiting for her, although her personality is a bit too harsh. I think a feminine personality will suit her for the best, but I also think that she is fine by her way now. Anyway, I do love a stubborn girl because, without being stubborn, there won't be any interesting event with a girl right.? lol
3, Victorique De Blois (Gosick)
She is really a genius one, even perhaps more genius than Ichinose Hitomi (Clannad after story). At first time, I though that she hasn't any feeling because of her lack in sociality. But anyway, thanks to that boy, Kazuya Kuzo, she was able to understand what love is. Other than it, she is really cute everytime she is annoyed or pissed off. Well~ ^___^
4, Shiori (The world God only knows)
Although she is really quiet, but I love her personality. ^___^ Why.? Well, because of my feeling.? lol. Well, being silent is a part of my personality too. So I do understand each words that is said by Shiori. Or perhaps.? haha.
5, Mio (K-on!!)
Well, actually I love all characters in K-on!!. But this girl's personality is the best of them, why.? well, she is cute, diligent, coward, shy, mature, and feminine. That's it. Hahaha~.
6, Namie Yagari (Durarara!!)
This adult woman too, is a tomboy. But she is quite mature really, and has that evil looking like she doesn't care what happens to everyone around her. So I like her for being a tomboy and mature woman, and her indifference. Sometimes she is too cold to talk with, so I think it will be hard to catch her heart. lol Just kidding.
I think the list should be enough. Though I still have many favorite characters, and because there're too many to post so I decided to give it a limit. Six girls have been choosen to be posted in this blog. As myself and for myself, I should say congratulation for them.... Hahaha~
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Illustration, Painting, Drawing, Sketching, and Coloring
Well, what's making me so confused is these words. Illustration, Painting, Drawing, Sketching, and Coloring. Those words have been making me wondering what's the meaning of those. So I did think about them and kill my time to make my theory about them. Of course, the theory can't be guaranteed until you learn them in english language (in university, I mean). But I'm not a university student, I'm just an ordinary highschool student.
You know, I'm currently in holiday and have nothing to do except this thing. I will post some to kill my time during holiday. Okay here I am.
- Illustration
From the word, I believe that has to be something connected with some skills in imagination. The outline is very smooth if you see it, of course. It's because the thing was edited with some program which can be helpful. Very different if you compare with Painting although illustration does take some color to make it colorful or give it life. Though, it will be easier if I give a example.
Wow, what a great anime wallpaper, it looks so real. The artist is amazing, isn't he.? Anyway, This wallpaper can be called as illustration. Taken from the link here Illustration
Many pictures which is in the link are illustrations.
- Painting
Apart from illustration, I'd say that this one is rougher than illustration because I think this doesn't use any programs that is used to edit. Purely hand-drawing, in other words. The example is below.
Of course, it's amazing that the artist can make this painting looks so real (again). This sure needs some really expert skills to make one. Or, perhaps a long experience in painting enough to make you as a maestro. Maestro,,, I can say that's the final stage of artist to achieve. Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc.
The link : Painting
- Drawing
This isn't a noun, but a verb. I believe it. Everytime you make a illustration or painting, the action can be said as "Drawing" because you are obviously making something that comes out of your imagination. Drawing is sure something that is connected with imagination. lol Just take it easy, and feel free to use this verb everytime you are talking about illustration or painting. Either of those, the result is still same.
The example... is here
So, drawing is usually done with pencils. Of course, this can't be said as illustration or painting because it doesn't have any color.
- Sketching
This is also a verb. But the function is different. Let's see, drawing means you are making something then coloring it. So the result of drawing can be either illustration or painting. Then... This one, sketching is like making something but couldn't be finished because it was purely just an idea.
In other words, before drawing, you might have to sketch first. Make outline first then draw, like the drawing above. To make it easier to understand, see the example below. This too needs pencil to do.
After sketching, then you can make a drawing by picking one of these that have been made. That's how it's.
- Coloring
Finally, this is the easiest thing to understand. Simply, coloring is about giving some colors into your drawing. And thus, will become either illustration or painting. But, I think you have to learn the basic of color so you can make the illustration or painting looks so real. Well, it isn't that easy to be able to make what we see.
But whatever we are talking about this and that. What's matters is hand-drawing. Without hand-drawing, you can't make illustration or painting. That's the very basic of art. Still there are many thing that I don't know because I'm still a beginner.
Anyway, there's one question in my mind. What's a picture, anyway.? Is it made with camera.? I can't be sure.... Oh yeah, please do remember that this is only a theory that can sometimes be wrong. Don't take it so serious. Hahaha.
You know, I'm currently in holiday and have nothing to do except this thing. I will post some to kill my time during holiday. Okay here I am.
- Illustration
From the word, I believe that has to be something connected with some skills in imagination. The outline is very smooth if you see it, of course. It's because the thing was edited with some program which can be helpful. Very different if you compare with Painting although illustration does take some color to make it colorful or give it life. Though, it will be easier if I give a example.
Wow, what a great anime wallpaper, it looks so real. The artist is amazing, isn't he.? Anyway, This wallpaper can be called as illustration. Taken from the link here Illustration
Many pictures which is in the link are illustrations.
- Painting
Apart from illustration, I'd say that this one is rougher than illustration because I think this doesn't use any programs that is used to edit. Purely hand-drawing, in other words. The example is below.
Of course, it's amazing that the artist can make this painting looks so real (again). This sure needs some really expert skills to make one. Or, perhaps a long experience in painting enough to make you as a maestro. Maestro,,, I can say that's the final stage of artist to achieve. Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc.
The link : Painting
- Drawing
This isn't a noun, but a verb. I believe it. Everytime you make a illustration or painting, the action can be said as "Drawing" because you are obviously making something that comes out of your imagination. Drawing is sure something that is connected with imagination. lol Just take it easy, and feel free to use this verb everytime you are talking about illustration or painting. Either of those, the result is still same.
The example... is here
So, drawing is usually done with pencils. Of course, this can't be said as illustration or painting because it doesn't have any color.
- Sketching
This is also a verb. But the function is different. Let's see, drawing means you are making something then coloring it. So the result of drawing can be either illustration or painting. Then... This one, sketching is like making something but couldn't be finished because it was purely just an idea.
In other words, before drawing, you might have to sketch first. Make outline first then draw, like the drawing above. To make it easier to understand, see the example below. This too needs pencil to do.
After sketching, then you can make a drawing by picking one of these that have been made. That's how it's.
- Coloring
Finally, this is the easiest thing to understand. Simply, coloring is about giving some colors into your drawing. And thus, will become either illustration or painting. But, I think you have to learn the basic of color so you can make the illustration or painting looks so real. Well, it isn't that easy to be able to make what we see.
But whatever we are talking about this and that. What's matters is hand-drawing. Without hand-drawing, you can't make illustration or painting. That's the very basic of art. Still there are many thing that I don't know because I'm still a beginner.
Anyway, there's one question in my mind. What's a picture, anyway.? Is it made with camera.? I can't be sure.... Oh yeah, please do remember that this is only a theory that can sometimes be wrong. Don't take it so serious. Hahaha.
Senin, 12 Desember 2011
After watched Gosick, it was really impressive as the story went smoothly without any failure. Though, there's something that keep bothering me... This deja-vu couldn't be bear until I used the screenshoot to post in this blog.
On the third episode, I caught this girl (on the left side). At that time,,, I'm pretty sure I've seen her in somewhere... I mean in any anime that I've watched until now... But... What the hell is the anime.? I can't remember it so well. Oh well, guess I will look for its anime which has same face as this screenshoot shows.
You.? Have you seen this girl or not.? Well, I'm trying to remember it back. Although it needs some time.
On the third episode, I caught this girl (on the left side). At that time,,, I'm pretty sure I've seen her in somewhere... I mean in any anime that I've watched until now... But... What the hell is the anime.? I can't remember it so well. Oh well, guess I will look for its anime which has same face as this screenshoot shows.
You.? Have you seen this girl or not.? Well, I'm trying to remember it back. Although it needs some time.
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